RYA Training
We are an accredited RYA Training Centre and can run courses to all RYA Dinghy Syllabus Levels.
We have a highly committed team of 20 instructors who are continually upgrading their qualifications.
The club is fortunate to have a fleet of training dinghies, boats ranging from Optimists through, Toppers , RS Fevas, and Wayfarers (the latest design) as well as a Wayfarer World. We also have a Laser 2000, Kestrel 2000, Laser 2 Regattas and a 420 for the more advanced courses
All Wayfarers are fitted with centre mainsheets.
In addition, for those new members without their own dinghies, the completion of a Level 1/2 course includes free sessions in the Club boats.
We also run RYA Powerboat Courses (PB2 and Safety Boat)
Course Content
The following links will take you to the RYA Site pages describing course content
Adult Beginners
Youth Beginners
Powerboat Level2
Safety Boat
Last updated 23:17 on 5 November 2024